
azteckingmegaways| 3,100 detainees return, 51 exchanges between Ukraine and Russia show signs of easing!

editor 2024-04-11 18 0

[Ukraine and Russia continue to exchange detained personsAzteckingmegaways51 exchanges have been held since February 24, 2022, and more than 3100 people have returned to Ukraine]

Ukrainian media revealed on April 11 that Andrei Yusov, an official of the Intelligence General Administration of the Ukrainian Ministry of National Defense, said on a television program that Ukraine and Russia were still exchanging detainees. Since February 24, 2022, the two sides have conducted 51 exchanges, allowing more than 3100 detainees to return to Ukraine.

azteckingmegaways| 3,100 detainees return, 51 exchanges between Ukraine and Russia show signs of easing!

The exchange of detained persons shows that the two countries still maintain a certain degree of cooperation in the face of tensions. Despite the conflict, the two sides are still trying to resolve some of the problems through diplomatic means.

The exchange of detained persons is of great significance for the families of both sides and helps to alleviate the humanitarian problems caused by the conflict. At the same time, this action also shows that the two sides are willing to seek a peaceful solution to the dispute to a certain extent.

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