
freeslotstoplayforfunnomoney| The A-shares are moving and raging! Is the quantitative advantage here?

editor 2024-04-24 9 0

The trading volume between the two cities has shrunk to less than 800 billion today.Freeslotstoplayforfunnomoney, but the rotationFreeslotstoplayforfunnomoneyMars is no less, from the military information continued to rise in the morning, to the AI plate overfell and rebounded, the high-tech development (000628) of this resentful kind of coffin plate are warped up. Then to medicine, robots (300024) and so on. It is not enough to use dozens of shares in this market. But at this time quantification reflects the advantage, the position is fully covered, as long as it can be rotated, the price difference is leveraged.

The reason for the surge in robots is that I have read the seller's interpretation, either that the latest industry research shows that the system testing of Boston powered robots is amazing, or that the industry is speeding up. In fact, none of these words are accurate, and the reason for the rise is very simple: 1) Tesla is going to make a performance tonight. Musk's strategic focus has gone from the car to the AI, and the robot is the AI carrier. Some people think that Musk will say something tonight. 2) Huang Renxun brought the goods, saying that the manufacturing cost of the humanoid robot may be lower than expected, and it is better to buy a robot than to spend money on a car. 3) Calendar effect, the robot plate usually rises in May and June in the first two years. In other words, the rise really has nothing to do with the fundamentals, it is a simple capital behavior, and most of the subsequent explanation is to shoot arrows before drawing targets. During the day, I also went to listen to an open source conference call from Hengtuo. I guess many people don't know that this North Stock Exchange company is also a low-altitude economy. Dong Mi is very good. I'll give you layers of analysis, how each link is allocated, and how much is the share. What I want to say is that Les information has been mentioned several times, and it is estimated that it is due to the fact that the scale is too far away, and there is no taboo at all, and then it means that Les has basically eaten all the air traffic control on the civil aviation side. In fact, before other sellers also blow more ruthlessly, what Les strength is the strongest, the share is the highest, the cowhide blow is very big, but the hard strength is indeed enough, every time there is a recommendation will be attached. A reader happened to ask last night, so let's have a casual chat today.

freeslotstoplayforfunnomoney| The A-shares are moving and raging! Is the quantitative advantage here?

At this end of the market, you can obviously feel that the market is still in a tangled period. Every day, the rotation is like a child of a poor family. There is only one pair of trousers at home. Who goes out and wears them. Today is the bonus to go out to wear, tomorrow is the micro-unit to go out to wear, the day after tomorrow is which growth concept wears, but as long as one person goes out to wear, others can only hide at home naked. However, this situation should be over soon. Recently, in the course of communicating with others, I found that most people felt that there was a market after May, including me, so either there was no market, or it might be ahead of schedule. Cheer up. Of course, Lei still has to pay more attention to the performance at the end of the month, especially where the market expectation was too high. For example, Tianfu Communications (300394) announced after-hours profit in the first quarter.Freeslotstoplayforfunnomoney7.9 billion yuan, an increase of 202 over the same period last yearFreeslotstoplayforfunnomoney.68%. The growth rate seems good, but in fact, the market is expected to have a net profit of 330 million, which is considered a thunderstorm.

Keywords military informatization, AI plate, medicine bullish, bearish (bullish) quantitative advantage bad news. It also bombed Hexun's risk tips: the above content is only as the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment suggestions related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.