
pennbattlethree| To change the rotation phenomenon, you need a variable on the disk.

editor 2024-04-12 7 0

Yesterday's market adjustmentPennbattlethreeIt is expected that there will be a repair today, but it is a pity that it is someone else's position. It was a bit unexpected that there was a direct trend in early trading this morning. The rotational market leads to the formation of a consensus on funds, not chasing high, falling sharply and sucking low, leading to a lack of high-chasing funds. In addition, after the formation of a consensus on funds, the market trend will be predicted, resulting in a downward shift in the focus of individual stocks. It is easy to fall behind in the rotation, some investors get separated, and some votes will collapse. This kind of market is suitable for traveling and seeing more of the world. To change the rotation phenomenon, it is necessary to have variables on the disk surface, such as a plate that exceeds expectations and goes out of continuity.

Conclusion: the April market has been difficult to predict, there are multiple falling limit every day, the market fault tolerance rate is low. Many stocks have a high probability of falling by the limit, and buy stocks only in order to operate according to the market. It is recommended to be cautious as we are about to enter the second half of the month. Even teacher Fang kept losing money and bought a bunch of flying car stocks, all of which were pressed down. By contrast, investors who own Ningke Biology are lucky to have lost only five points. The market barometer shows that funds are in the doldrums and the competition among various sectors is fierce.

Artificial intelligence plate applications broke out again, stimulating previously hyped corpus and large model applications, and related linkage varieties also rebounded. The construction machinery sector strengthened due to the better-than-expected quarterly results of Liugong (000528), driving the rise of the construction machinery (600984) and infrastructure plate. Nuclear pollution, gold and power sectors also performed well. In the afternoon, the auto sector is rumored to stop margin trading, resulting in Changan Automobile (000625), Cyrus and other stocks rose, auto parts shares also rose. However, the market has become more and more difficult to do, yesterday's low-level economic plate suffocated, some varieties fell deeply. The index fell back in the afternoon, solid-state battery stocks were hit the limit, the gold sector also fell sharply. The overall market ribs, the need to repair the phenomenon of rotation.

pennbattlethree| To change the rotation phenomenon, you need a variable on the disk.

Mr. Fang also cut the flesh of the self-selected stock writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment suggestions related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.